Tsimfuckis : Juggalo 4 Life
This shit is bizarre. I guess Juggalos do come in all shapes and sizes. This one in the dwarf weirdo size. No, I'm no hating on Tsimfuckis for suffering from progeria, I'm hating on him for acting like a wigger jackass on YouTube. I mean as far as progeria goes, most sufferers die by the age of 10, this idiot is 16. So I guess he's got that going for him. These damn Juggaloes, just when you think you've seen the weirdest they got, they give you this. Click through for his videos addressing "all the haters out there that say (he) has a penis coming out my f*ckin' stomach. F*ck y'all!" Yeah, he says that. Lots of pics too.

Read all about Tsimfuckis on his own Encyclopedia Dramatica page. (Encyclopedia Dramatica is Wikipedia for all things 4Chan.) On his page they speculate as to how he was conceived:
"One theory on this beast's conception was that its parents had sex on top of a barrel of industrial toxic waste while smoking a cocktail of crystal meth, crack cocaine and fertilizer, and eating copious amounts of Nerf. This seems like the most unlikely theory since ingesting serious amounts of drugs during pregnancy still could not create an ugly little thing like that...unless it was the Nerf. "

People say he's dead, but his Facebook page says otherwise.
To learn all about the backstory on the bullshit Tsimfuckis starts spewing at the end, check all the older posts on Juggalos. Be sure and read the comments, Juggalos HATE me. ALL JUGGALOS POSTS

Your a jackass...
And you still can't spell and have poor punctuation.
YOU are an ignorant piece of trash. Just because he has the intestinal fortitude to have some fun...you dump shit on him! He only has a limited life...allow him to enjoy it while he can!
So tell me.... are we allowed to dump multitudes of crap on whatever "creatures" you may have spawned???
Food for thought!!
I think it takes intestinal fortitude to actually "dump multitudes of crap." I don't think you can do it without it. This is not food to think on, but merely, facts to think on. Good day.
I happen to think this is a work of art and is brilliant. "He only has a limited life..." What are we? Short of juggalo faggots or something?
this one goes out to tsim from yo niggas in herlem, love u bro, never forget the night that we had at the club, u got bitches like a hound dog, love u bro, word up, tsimfuckis is back, forrealz yo.
peace out, tsimforlife<3
Haha people gettin all butthurt! Fuck that kid, Fuck "juggalos" and fuck ICP.
Your a sick fuck man. All you haters can suck a mother fucking dick and go commit suicide, which would make your parents so happy since you've been living with them your whole fucking life. Fuck you all man. Us Juggalos didn't do shit to you, we live our life and go on with it until fuck up accidents like you happen to come along our paths. Its not even about Juggalos, your picking on a fucking kid with a sickness that will most likely die and your heckling him? How fucking dare you? Hope to god me nor my homies find you. If you have balls you'd tell me what city your in, I'd take it from there. WHOOP WHOOP!! MUCH MOTHER FUCKING WICKED CLOWN LOVE!! Long live Tsimfuckis!!
Yall leave him da fuck alone if hw want to be a fucking rapper then ohh dammnn well BIIIITTTTCCCCCCHHHHHHHEEEZZZZZZZZZ??????????????
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