I cannot find any information on this Vasily Shulzhenko, but I think he's pretty awesome. He sees the world through some pretty grim viewing spots. But, he is Russian so I'm sure not all hot hookers and spygames. This is his reality. Click through for many more photos of his paintings.

i always respect a bukowski reference...ALWAYS.
He is a talented artist. Russians think he hates Russians, to which he responds: "Why like us, Russians? We are envious drunks." It is especially true for the countryside where drinking is the only occupation for most men and where women are the ones who work and support families in the most impossible conditions. V. Shulzhenko praises Russian women and condemns Russian men. Which makes him a very smart Russian! :-)
I really like Shulzhenko. I saw his work a few years ago at a gallery opening in Chicago.
it really reminds me of bukowski in some strange way.. but you should know bukowski did actually paint as a hobby haha
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